Pick the right environment for your plant if you want it to live


Plants are sensitive to their environment, so it is important to know which environment is best for each plant. By environment,  we mean lighting, air temperature, and humidity.  For example, the Chinese Evergreen, does much better indoors,  whereas the Ficus Benjamina, does well indoors or outdoors, as long as the lighting is bright. Though the Corn plant and Chinese Evergreen can tolerate much lower light then the other two plants,  if you put them outdoors, they will burn in direct sunlight, and air temperatures below 55 can damage their leaves.  the Ficus and Bird of Paradise don’t have those problems outdoors.

That being said, all plants will become bushier and more attractive in high light then low light; you just have to know if its direct or indirect light.  Although sunlight usually comes to mind when we think of plants, artificial light also helps plants grow. In fact the Corn plant and Chinese evergreen can do very well with nothing more then florescent light.  When a plant is purchased from a greenhouse, where it is typically given the maximum amount of light, and then installed in the typical home or office, it is probably getting much less light for less hours a day.  The plant needs to acclimate (adjust) to the lower level of  light.  While it is acclimating, you may notice that some of the lower foliage turns yellow and dies.  Within two months or so, it should have acclimated to its new  environment, and its leaves will stop dying.  This plant will need less frequent watering in the lower light.

Some plants need high humidity.  For example, many of the ferns and some of the palms prefer the outdoors because it is more humid then the air in office buildings and most homes.  On the other hand, maintaining many types of plants is easier in an air conditioned building because the temperature is more constant and predictable then outdoors.  Service  once a week, or sometimes every other week, is sufficient for indoor plants, whereas outdoor plants may need service and watering twice a week in the summer, and much less often in the rainy season.

So,  before you pay for new plants, it is wise to think carefully about where they will go.  We at Beautification thru Vegetation will be happy to help you pick the right plants for your space, and we  guarantee the health of all of our plants.

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